2021 Vietnam Old-Growth sheng puerh
Strictly speaking, puerh tea comes exclusively from Yunnan province in China, but that is, like many things in life, just only the simplified truth as the same varietal tea trees are growing in very similar environmental conditions across the border. This Vietnamese raw "puerh" comes from Ha Giang province, harvested in 2021 from old wild-growth tea trees 1200 meters above sea level. The trees are over hundred years old and the tea is is made in very traditional puerh processing fashion - using live fire to heat the pans for frying the tea leaves, sun-drying the tea and compressing into cakes using a stone press. The tea is smokey, yet sweet and fruity, apricot-like with hints of wild honey that can be felt in the back of the throat.
Brewing tips: 5g / 200ml / 100C / rinse / 1st steeping 1min, 2nd steeping 2min, 3rd steeping 1-2min etc.