Just nagu õige õpetaja tuleb siis, kui õpilane on valmis, nii ilmuvad teed inimese ellu, kui ta on valmis neid hindama. Treeni oma maitsemeeli heade, elavate teedega ja nad leiavad sinu. Ära pelga küsida enda kohalikult teekaupmehelt müüdava tee päritolu kohta küsimusi – kust tee pärineb ning kuidas seda on töödeldud...
Recently, I wrote about the joys of drinking tea in nature. Recently, when I re-read it to post it on our teashop’s website, it inspired me to take advantage of what I knew might be among the last sunny, warm-ish days left of the year...
Eelmisel aastal kohtasime Taiwanil tee armastajate seltskonda, kes kehastasid oma olemusega täielikult tee vaimu. See kohtumine on ergutanud Chado teepoe pühendumust tutvustamaks Eesti inimestele teistsugust lähenemisnurka teele. Vaatenurka, mis kõneleb rahust, tähelepanust, austusest, pühendumisest – aga ka lõbust...
It was a summer of digging deep, not always liking what was found or felt but ultimately feeling lighter for having several unneeded layers lifted – and chiseled away. My only true and constant companion throughout was tea. And my deepest tea sessions, indeed among the most fantastic of my life, all took place… outdoors...
My favourite moment in a tea ceremony is what I call ‘the switch’ – the moment when ‘it’ has arrived. The magic. You can almost feel it in the air when it starts...